Actrace :: Previous Lists :: 2022 Q4 :: Fiction :: Pure white as snow/纯白如雪

Pure white as snow/纯白如雪

Pure white as snow/纯白如雪

Pure white as snow/纯白如雪
Chun bai ru xue

This book is a mystery novel. The protagonist Wu Chaoming is a young man who loves literature and music. A strange dream often troubles him. By chance, he met Fang Yuning, a girl who loves reasoning, and was invited by her father Fang Zhengshu to go to Wangxue Village in the snow-capped mountains. He saw his beloved girl again here, but this reunion was the beginning of a series of terrifying experiences... The classic Blizzard Villa model, the unpredictable human heart, and the deep whirlpool of logic. What kind of truth is hidden in the depths of the whirlpool of logic? The murderer Who is it? I accidentally broke into a reasoning game played by a real person, and finally discovered that the human heart cannot be reasoned with logic.

本书是一部推理小说。主人公吴朝明是个热爱文学和音乐的青年, 一个奇怪的梦境时常困扰着他。一次偶然的机会, 他结识了热爱推理的少女方雨凝, 并受其父亲方正树的邀请, 前往雪山中的望雪庄。他在这里再次见到了心爱的少女, 然而这次再会, 却是一连串恐怖经历的开始……经典的暴风雪山庄模式, 捉摸不透的人心, 逻辑的漩涡深处, 到底隐藏着怎样的真相? 凶手到底是谁? 无意间闯入一场真人扮演的推理游戏, 最终却发现, 人心是无法靠逻辑来推理的。
ISBN/SKU 9787218157764
Author Liu Jianmian zhu /柳荐棉著
Publish date 2022.5
Pages 272
Language Simplified Chinese
Delivery time 3 months
Market price: $45.00
Our price: $18.00